writing the moments #2

Confession: I am wrestling a bit with the Brene Brown quote shared on today’s call for slice of life stories. Making meaning by creating, at least in the ways she names, has been the furthest thing from my mind. In the last six months I haven’t cooked much, knit at all, written more than a few words, or been able to read an entire book until last week. My only attempts to make sense of this moment have been internal dialogs, usually in the middle of the night, often at the expense of a good night’s sleep.

Slowly though, I am finding my way forward. Beginning to write again. Halfway through my second book in as many weeks. (Finished All You Can Ever Know and well into The Gifted School. I recommend both.) Printing out new recipes with vague thoughts of creating something delicious for dinner.

My proudest creation (my only creation) is reopening school. We are 13 days in. Much to my relief and somewhat to my surprise, children are happy to be in classrooms, in masks, at desks, with distance all day long. Creating structures that allowed school to open in Covid is what I’ve made. And in this work I am making meaning in this moment. Because at the end of the day serving children, facilitating their learning, guiding their growing, that’s all I know to do and the only meaning I can make right now.

2 thoughts on “writing the moments #2

  1. It’s been a while since I’ve read your words, and it was a treat. In the midst of the chaos, your light shines. I hope school is still in session and that you find yourself creating the things that matter most.
    Shine on,

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  2. I feel you on so many levels. So often throughout these months, I’ve well known that I do best when I create things – whether that’s writing, baking, or whatever it is.

    But for whatever reason…I just…can’t. I haven’t had the energy or ambition or will or whatever it is you call it.

    And for me, I’ve had to call that an exercise in grace and self-forgiveness – knowing that these things wait for me at a time I’m ready to come back to them.

    I’ve been dipping my toes in again, but like you, I’m also choosing to make meaning wherever it is I can find it…

    Thanks for a thoughtful post!

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