Goodbye Lucy #sol19

slice of life updated


It wasn’t unexpected.

It was time. But still…

She wasn’t eating.

And she was nearly 19.

Ours for all but her first six months.

Loved and swaddled and carried from room to room by my then two and four year old daughters.

The world’s most patient cat.

We each held a paw as she lay quietly on one blanket, another draped over her.

I wiped away my tears with the back of my other hand.

She looked tired and old and oh so small.

The vet spoke in a soft, soothing tone to us…and her.

And then our sweet old girl took her final breath and her head came to rest one last time next to my fingers.

Goodbye Lucy.



18 thoughts on “Goodbye Lucy #sol19

  1. Your words and tribute to Lucy are beautiful. “Tired and old and oh so small.” These words fit our Hadley who was with us for 17 years. And I miss her every year at this time because she was my SOL buddy that last year, so happy to curl by my side as I typed away.

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  2. Oh my, Lisa, I had tears in my eyes reading this. You capture so much about her personality and about the love your family had for her in this piece. It is so hard to say goodbye to our pets. She sounds like a gentle soul!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such a beautiful and loving description of your Lucy’s final moments. I feel your heartache and just how loved Lucy was. I am so sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful life Lucy must have had.

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  4. I’m so sorry. I empathize. My beloved Jack Russell family member, Rusty, breathed his last breath January 15th. He had been my companion for nearly 15 years. I miss him, as I know you will miss Lucy. I am grateful, though, for the many wonderful memories we made together. They sustain me during the hard moments.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh Lisa, I’m so sorry. Your post conveys such history, such attachment, such loss. I think verse can by so perfect–the stark, economy of words needed to tell such a story… and you tell it so well. Sorry for your loss.

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  6. The love and sadness is palpable in your post. Here’s hoping the happy memories sustain you and your family; she had a good life. So sorry for your loss.

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  7. Your words reach into my heart. It’s never easy losing a pet especially when they are so much a part of our lives for so long. So sorry you had to say goodbye to Lucy.

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  8. You know I’m not a cat person–that could have been one of my 31 things, but I would have added that I liked Lucy. She really was a patient cat, and also a sweet one. I’m glad she had a peaceful end with you right there.

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  9. I’m so sorry to hear about Lucy’s passing. As a cat lover myself, I know the heartache of losing a fur-family member. Our Snowflake was with us 20 years.

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