
Yesterday one of my Fourth Grade student slicers wrote about her favorite things. It was such a great window into her world. I learned things about her that I wouldn’t necessarily know from our time together in Reading and Language Arts class.
I decided to borrow her idea for my slice today. Perhaps what I am most excited about is that as I write with my students this month we are becoming a more connected community, and we support one another as writers. We work side by side, as a team. The lines between teacher and students have softened. We are writers. Together. We talk together about our highs and lows, our successes and failures, our brainstorms and struggles- as writers.

My children
Well loved books, new books, borrowed books…
Crackling fires
Sunsets at the beach
Homemade soup
Breathtaking views
The sound outside when snow is falling
Birds gathered at the feeder
Summers in the cottage
Romantic movies
Soft yarn
Farmers markets
Children’ voices
A Capella music
Summer fruit
Fresh fish
Fall leaves
The Sunday New York Times
Loyal and patient friends
Cookies straight from the oven
Bubble baths
Crusty bread
Soft rain
Long walks
Reynolds Price
Anne LaMotte
An inspiring sermon
Sharp pencils
Slow time
Hot tea
Rich conversations

6 thoughts on “Favorites

  1. What rich images. I love the poem! I'm on spring break right now and miss writing with my students. I think it's amazing how this SOLSC brings students and teachers together in a common goal – writing. This was my first time joining in, and I've learned so nuch. i will anticipate March next year in a whole new way!


  2. Great slice! Love that you got the idea from a student. I hope you share this slice with her so you knows how she inspired you. It is amazing how much you can learn about someone from a simple list of their favorites. I want to try this now!


  3. This reminds me of “10,000 Things To Be Happy About” by Barbara Ann Kipfer. Just reading lists of things that make other people smile is enough to add more joy to my day. Thanks!


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