This is us and someday that will be too

slice of life updated

This is us.


Old friends, but not old.

We manage not often enough to clear our schedules and spend a few hours walking and talking, laughing and listening, picking up just where we last left off. Rarely do we gather without needing to find a tissue to dry someone’s  tears at some point in the day.

Our conversations have changed of course – no longer about the dull date or the latest beau or the cute shoes we scored on sale- ok we still talk about shoes- now more about our families and children, our latest favorite book (or Netflix series), the state of the world, and our gratitude for good health despite the wrinkles on our foreheads and the knees that don’t work quite as they used to.

We have celebrated milestones and weathered storms.

Today as we finished our meal and wine, we noticed four white-haired women at the table next to us. Laughing. Listening. Lingering over lunch like us. That. If we are lucky, that is us in twenty or so years. 

13 thoughts on “This is us and someday that will be too

  1. I am blessed to be a part of a group of 8 high school friends (yes, we are 55!). We don’t get together as often as we would like because we are on four corner of the country. But we, too, laugh when we see elderly women together and pray that is us someday. Thank you for sharing your friends with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nothing like a good group of friends – I am so lucky to have a life filled with amazing women! I love the ending of your slice and yes – hopefully we will all be so lucky. This slice warmed my heart –thank you


  3. Friendships like that are rare. Sure it takes some luck, but it also takes some effort to maintain those ties over time and distance. Kudos to you all for making that commitment to nurturing your relationships-everchanging as they may be. This post makes me happy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve always thought that the sign of a good friendship is being able to pick up where you left off, be it days or years between. Sounds like a lovely time–and lovely aspirations.

    Liked by 1 person

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