Blue skies


I’ve missed you Cerulean Ceiling.

We’ve had one dark day after the next, when the morning mist clouded the view and dampened the windshield and made a good hair day out of the question. “Enough!” I bellowed at nobody in particular the other morning, as I listened to the steady drum on my tin roof.

You made brief stage-left appearances every so often, but quickly vanished, just in time for another indoor recess or canceled tennis match or postponed picnic.

Do you realize what day after day of indoor recess during the final weeks of school does to teachers and students?

I know, I know. We need the rain. The grass looks amazing. Thirsty trees are thrilled.

But here’s the thing. I need you. On a regular basis. It turns out I would not be a happy camper in Seattle or Scotland.


Thank you for showing up today. My spirits are brighter, and the children are heading outside to play on the swings that have sat idle for days. There is almost no chance that tonight’s rescheduled tennis match will be postponed by rain.

I’ve missed you Blue Skies. Don’t be a stranger.


Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for the weekly nudge to write and share. 


13 thoughts on “Blue skies

  1. Oh, my! I completely understand! I’m not even close to you but I too have missed the cerulean ceiling. Finally we have had a shift and just like that it is summer! ~Amy


  2. Like Adrienne, I also live in the Pacific Northwest. Too many days without rain become dangerous. I relish the many different variations of rain. I get irritable and want a good downpour to clean the air and rid it of pollen. I think when the sun finally makes an appearance in the midst of what feels like an eternity of rain, it makes the shine feel brighter and more appreciated.


  3. I too love your lead and the tin roof. We are in a spell as well , through the end of next week at least. The good news is that I am not outside watering all those rose bushes we planted recently and the trees are looking good. But, like you said, spirits are brighter with a nice warm sun. May it last…


  4. So funny that just as I read your title there was a large clap of thunder, as if to say if she doesn’t want me, I’ll go elsewhere. It’s rare that we have steady rain, but I know the teachers today, here when school is about to be dismissed, a rain storm hits. Glad that you have that beautiful blue sky!


  5. Love your opening line! It brings me memories of my first watercolor class – the joy of opening the paints – cerulean blue! I always think about this word in early spring when my double flowering crab apple bursts open across that cerulean blue sky, and I often find myself simply standing under it, looking up, and having my breath taken away by that view… Thanks for jogging the memory, and I’m glad you are getting some sunshine!!! We needed it too!


  6. Rainy days at the end of the school year are such a downer! We have one today, and my kiddos are having such a rough day. Glad blue skies came your way today!


  7. I’m with Adrienne. As a fellow citizen of the Northwest, I’m so happy for the return of our gray blanket. Maybe you stole it for awhile. We’re happy to be the keepers.
    Loved the voice in this line: “’Enough!’ I bellowed at nobody in particular the other morning, as I listened to the steady drum on my tin roof.” Enjoy the return of your cerulean ceiling!


  8. Several days of rain does get to be too much, especially when those days lead to indoor recess. This happened to us during our week of state testing. It was horrible! I’m glad the blue skies are smiling down on you today though!



  9. We’ve had a hot & sunny streak in the Pacific Northwest. Finally the rain has returned and our normal, gloomy Spring weather has returned. I am celebrating grey skies, these days.


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