Celebrating time

Time. That word has been rolling around in my brain a lot lately. But it has taken on new meaning this morning. There are people in Paris who didn’t know their time might be cut short. And there are people who are huddled inside now, waiting for news, or some sort of all-clear signal… for them, time may seem to be passing slowly. I know mamas here in the U.S. whose children are there, and the time difference, not to mention the the distance, is a huge challenge as they wait for updates and reassurances. I cannot bear to think about what time must have felt like to those trapped in the concert hall with gunmen last night.


There are no guarantees, are there?

Just yesterday morning I was feeling grateful for time. We had our first ever faculty work day- free of meetings and PD training. Wide open time. It was a gift. I wrote report card comments, filed papers, reread fourth graders’ reading response journal entries, and caught up with colleagues.


Last night I had time to spend with a friend, listening to her story. I learned details of her professional life in fashion design that I’d never known before. We talked a little bit about time, and how rushed it was when our children were small, and we shifted between our working and family lives.


I think about family and friends who are battling serious illness- loved ones who don’t know how much time they have.

Time. Making time. Freeing up time. Filling time. Wishing for it to go slower or faster.

There are no guarantees, are there?

So, I’m celebrating time. The small pockets and the wide open stretches. I’m going to make the most of my time today- walking with a friend this morning, straightening up at home this afternoon, catching up with my daughter tonight.

And, in this time, I am also praying for Paris.

7 thoughts on “Celebrating time

  1. It's a beautifully written post, Lisa. Time is precious. I almost never say 'no' to someone's invitation. Time with them is more important than what I previously had planned. Thanks for including so much that's important.


  2. Beautiful reflection Lisa. Time is all we have and the longer we're here, the more we understand the importance. I'm thinking about slowing down to do more. Rushing because of time pressures we feel defeats us in the end. Prayers for your friends with children abroad. Prayers for the city of Paris. Prayers for us all.


  3. Yesterday sure put things into perspective, didn't it? We just never know, so celebrating small moments in time are important. Relishing the time we have with those in our lives is the most important celebration we can share each week.


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